NURSE BURNOUT - Ma revue n° 044 du 01/05/2024 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière n° 044 du 01/05/2024




Émilien Mohsen  

professeur d’anglais aux Ifsi de Nancy

New on the job, a nurse (N) is discussing with the Staff Nurse (SN) her being overwhelmed at work.

SN : What’s going on?

N : I feel tired, demoralized, completely tapped out and not being able to handle the requirements of the job.

SN : Do you feel you are experiencing some kind of mental and physical exhaustion? Maybe a feeling of depression, and not being able to sleep?

N : This is exactly what I’m going through now.

SN : And do you think that your efficacy in the workplace is being reduced? Like you’re regularly feeling overworked, tired to go to work and don’t even look forward to your job? And also maybe feeling underappreciated?

N : That’s about how I’d describe myself right now! I mean we often work long hours performing tasks that are physically and emotionally demanding. I feel so disheartened and like I need a break to reconsider everything!

SN : All right. I won’t be beating around the bush. You seem to be going through a burn-out episode, which is rather a serious job-related condition that might have major consequences on your well-being and health, as well as those of the patients.

N : Do you think that I lack compassion for my patient, and that I’m not fit for the job?

SN : Oh, no! It’s just important to remember that burn-out, or what we maycall compassion fatigue, is sometimes a result of working conditions, not a failure of lack of compassion or work ethic on your side. You just need a little time to see things over.

N : Now I need to know about the general causes of burn-out.

SN : There can be many causes, some inherent to the job like when you give compassionate care, work long hours, change shift schedules, and be called by so many people at the same time. But burn-out can also be caused by a psychological experience that happens when you feel you must take or witness actions that deeply challenge your moral beliefs, and due to which you feel uncomfortable, or even unable, to provide care.

N : But meanwhile, is there anything to do about that? I mean I really love my job and don’t want to be a hindrance to anything at all.

SN : Of course, some prevention and management measures can be taken. For example, you can try to nap between shifts when possible. You can also ask for emotional support and get help for stress either from your colleagues or from a therapist if you think things are hard to manage. You should also have some physical activities, breathing exercises, and consider eating healthy food in enough quantities and get enough sleep when you’re off duty. You may need to take a break and do pleasurable and leisure activities. And why not ask for special training dedicated to coping with the demands of the job? In short, you need to have some occupational balance.

N : Well, I started some mindfulness techniques a week ago, and it’s already a tiny bit better.











Pas apprécié(e) à sa juste valeur

Emotionally demanding

Exigeant sur le plan émotionnel





Change shift schedules

Changement d’horaires

Leisure activities

Activités de loisirs

Occupational balance

Équilibre occupationnel


Do you feel you are experiencing some kind of mental and physical exhaustion? Maybe a feeling of depression, and not being able to sleep?

Avez-vous l’impression de souffrir d’une forme d’épuisement mental et physique ? Peut-être un sentiment de dépression et une incapacité à dormir ?

Do you think that your efficacy in the workplace is being reduced? Like you’re regularly feeling overworked, tired to go to work and don’t even look forward to your job? And also feeling underappreciated?

Pensez-vous que votre efficacité sur le lieu de travail est réduite ? Vous vous sentez régulièrement surmené (e), fatigué (e) d’aller travailler et vous n’avez même pas envie d’effectuer votre travail ? Et que vous ne vous sentez pas apprécié (e) à votre juste valeur ?

Burnout is rather a serious job-related condition that might have major consequences on your well-being and health, as well as those of the patients.

Le burn-out est un état grave lié au travail qui peut avoir des conséquences majeures sur votre bien-être et votre santé, ainsi que sur ceux des patients.

Burnout can be caused by a psychological experience that happens when you feel you must take or witness actions that deeply challenge your moral beliefs, and due to which you feel uncomfortable, or even unable, to provide care.

Le burn-out peut être causé par une expérience psychologique qui se produit lorsque vous vous sentez obligé (e) de prendre ou d’assister à des actions qui remettent profondément en question vos croyances morales et qui vous mettent mal à l’aise, voire vous empêchent de prodiguer des soins.

You should have some physical activities, breathing exercises, and consider eating healthy food in enough quantities and get enough sleep when you’re off duty.

Vous devriez pratiquer des activités physiques et des exercices de respiration, envisager d’avoir une alimentation saine et en quantité suffisante, et de dormir suffisamment lorsque vous n’êtes pas en service.