Patient tracing - L'Infirmière Magazine n° 393 du 01/05/2018 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière Magazine n° 393 du 01/05/2018




professeur d’anglais aux Ifsi de NANCY Auteur de « Maîtriser l’anglais
médical », Éd. Lamarre, 2012

A resident nurse is explaining to a patient the importance of patient tracing in their administration and care path.

Nurse: Good morning Sir. I was told that you wanted to see me about patient tracing as you seem uncomfortable with the idea? What makes you so reluctant?

Patient: Good morning. It’s just that I can’t figure out what this is about!

Nurse: Oh well, what we call the “tracer patient”, or actually patient tracing, is a method aimed at improving quality and safety of care in a multidisciplinary care team, taking into account the patient’s care experience. Are you ok with that?

Patient: I don’t mind at all. How can I be of any help?

Nurse: We take into account the patient’s experience in the assessment of the care given all along the care path, that is from admission to discharge. May I ask you a couple of questions about that?

Patient: Please, go ahead!

Nurse: Ok. First of all, can you tell me why you were admitted to the hospital?

Patient: It was due to some severe chest pain.

Nurse: And how were you received at the emergency unit?

Patient: I was taken care of immediately as I was told I could be having a heart problem!

Nurse: Did you get precise information on your condition?

Patient: I wouldn’t say that! The medical team was busy and nobody cared to explain what was going on, what they were doing or what they were up to do later! However, when I was admitted to the Cardiac Care Unit, the caregivers were dedicated and nice, and always willing to give all kind of information.

Nurse: That’s good to hear! Have you been informed about the person of trust and the advance directives, as well as the accessibility to your medical file? I understand that you’ll have a surgical procedure…

Patient: Yes, I was. And everything was clear to me.

Nurse: Did your family have easy access during the visit hours?

Patient: Yes, no problem. They told me that they were well received by the medical team.

Nurse: Could you talk to any psychologist, that is, if you wished so?

Patient: Yes, and again they were always responsive.

Nurse: You told me that you had easy access to your medical file. Were the explanations clear, and did you fully understand the possible complications of your condition and the benefits of the procedure?

Patient: Yes, I would say so.

Nurse: Were you asked about your actual medication and informed about the future treatments that would be prescribed, as well as their benefits and side effects, the pain management, and the possible changes in your lifestyle to come?

Patient: Again, I guess everything was clear to me.

Nurse: And lastly, did you have all the necessary details on your procedure, that’s from the initial identification and admission until discharge?

Patient: Yes, the nurse explained everything to me. And I feel rather reassured.

Nurse: Well, that’s patient tracing!


Advance directives : directives anticipées

Care path: parcours de soin

Pain management: gestion de la douleur

Person of trust: personne de confiance

Safety of care: sécurité des soins

Side effects: effets secondaires

Assessment: évaluation

Easy access: accès facile

Common phrases

Patient tracing is a method aimed at improving quality and safety of care in a multidisciplinary care team.

→ La méthode du « patient traceur » vise à améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des soins au sein d’une équipe multidisciplinaire.

We take into account the patient’s care experience in the assessment of the care.

→ Nous considérons le vécu du patient dans l’évaluation des soins.

Did your family have easy access during the visit hours?

→ Votre famille a-t-elle eu un accès facile pendant les heures de visite ?

Did you get precise information on your condition?

→ Avez-vous reçu des informations précises sur votre état de santé ?

Were you asked about your actual medication and informed about the future treatments that would be prescribed, as well as their benefits and side effects, the pain management, and the possible changes in your lifestyle to come?

→ Vous a-t-on interrogé sur votre traitement actuel, et vous a-t-on parlé des médicaments qui vous seront prescrits, ainsi que de leurs bienfaits et effets indésirables, de la gestion de la douleur et des changements éventuels dans votre mode de vie à l’avenir ?