Pediatric stroke - L'Infirmière Magazine n° 381 du 01/04/2017 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière Magazine n° 381 du 01/04/2017




A resident nurse and a trainee nurse are discussing stroke in children and the care related for this condition.

Resident nurse: First of all, you should know that strokes can happen to anyone at any time, including teenagers, children, newborns and even unborn babies.

Trainee nurse: Oh! How is that?

Resident: The risk of stroke in children is higher in the first year of life and during the perinatal period, that is, the period right before birth and immediately after birth. Trainee: But then the common knowledge is that stroke occurs mainly among older people.

Resident: That’s right. But stroke remains among the top 10 causes of death in children.

Trainee: So what are the risk factors?

Resident: Among the common risk factors are congenital heart defects, immune disorders, diseases of the arteries, abnormal blood clotting, head or neck trauma, maternal infection in the fluid surrounding an unborn baby, premature rupture of membrane during pregnancy and pregnancy related high blood pressure in the mother.

Trainee: But newborn babies and children cannot communicate. So how can we detect the signs and symptoms of stroke then?

Resident: You’re right. Actually, we refer to what we know about stroke in adults to identify stroke in children. But there are some symptoms that you should look for specifically in children.

Trainee: Like what?

Resident: In newborns and infants, the signs are usually seizures, extreme sleepiness and hemiplegia, that is, weakness on one side of the body. And in children and teens, you should be careful about severe headaches, vomiting, sleepiness, dizziness and the loss of balance or coordination.

Trainee: And is there any treatment for this? condition?

Resident: Actually, it depends on the specific cause. Some common treatments that are used with adults are not appropriate for infants and young children.

Trainee: But what about rehabilitation methods?

Resident: It is not clear whether rehabilitation methods for pediatric stroke survivors work.

Trainee: But then again, I mean, since the symptoms might be those of adults, the treatment might be the same?

Resident: There are current treatments specific for pediatric stroke, which include supportive care to maintain normal body temperature, proper hydration, controlling high blood pressure, detecting and treating seizures with electro-encephalogram monitoring and anticonvulsant medication, managing intracranial pressure, antithrombotic therapy, which refers to medications used to prevent blood clots from forming or growing, is used in children but generally not infants, and surgery related to hemorrhagic stroke (and less commonly, ischemic stroke) is sometimes performed to relieve pressure on the brain.

Trainee: I hope that I’ll be able to spot in time a stroke in an infant or a child ! Thanks for your time.


Pediatric stroke: AVC chez l’enfant

Immune disorders: problèmes immunitaires

Blood clotting: formation des caillots sanguins

Head trauma: traumatisme crânien

Seizures: convulsions

Sleepiness: somnolence

Dizziness: vertiges

Anticonvulsant medication: médicament anti-convulsion

Intracranial pressure: pression intracrânienne

Common phrases

Stroke can happen teenagers, children, newborns and even unborn babies.

→ L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) peut se produire chez les adolescents, les enfants, les nouveau-nés et même les fœtus.

Stroke is among the top 10 causes of death in children.

→ L’AVC est l’une des 10 premières causes de décès chez l’enfant.

Symptoms are usually seizures, sleepiness and hemiplegia, that is weakness on one side of the body.

→ Les symptômes les plus récurrents sont les convulsions,la somnolence et une hémiplégie, qui correspond à une faiblesse d’un seul côté du corps.

In children, the signs are severe headaches, vomiting, dizziness and the loss of coordination.

→ Les signes à repérer chez les enfants sont des fortes migraines, des vomissements, des vertiges et une perte de coordination.

Some common treatments used with adults are not appropriate for infants and young children.

→ Les traitements habituellement utilisés pour les adultes ne conviennent pas aux nouveau-nés ni aux enfants.