The 6Cs campaign - L'Infirmière Magazine n° 339 du 15/02/2014 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière Magazine n° 339 du 15/02/2014



In 2012, NHS England launched a three-year campaign called The 6 Cs – Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment –, which applies to all healthcare workers.

The challenge has been to translate these six core values into concrete actions that would improve the quality of healthcare.

In the renal division of the Kings College Hospital Trust, London, nurses received explanatory emails over a two-month period. Working groups then suggested ideas for implementation. The fact that changes were not imposed from above was a factor in the initiative’s success.

The haemodialysis unit’s outcomes include those 6 Cs :

– Care. All guidelines and policies are becoming evidence-based.

– Compassion. Nurses empathise with patients’ situations by asking open-ended questions ; a member of the dialysis team, instead of a porter, now accompanies inpatients to their dialysis sessions.

– Competence. Staff training and accreditation at all levels is strongly encouraged, including BSc and MSc qualifications and advanced kidney assistant courses.

– Communication. Patient forums have led to dedicated dialysis time slots, reducing waiting times.

– Courage. Nurses are allowed to voice fears and concerns ; leaders must respond.

– Commitment. The desire to get care right first time, every time, has resulted in a system where patients can consult their diagnosis, treatment and test data online.

For further reading : Nursing Standard, vol.28 n° 14, décembre 2013, pp. 20-25.


Core (ici, adj) Central, fondamental

Renal division (adj + n) Département d’urologie

Explanatory (adj) Explicatif

Porter (n) Brancardier

Inpatient (n) Patient hospitalisé ≠ outpatient / patient de l’hôpital de jour

Kidney (n) Rein

Time slot (n) Créneau horaire


1. What is the purpose of asking open-ended questions ?

It encourages the patient to express himself fully and the nurse to foster compassion by better understanding the patient’s situation.

2. Name some of the benefits of the 6Cs for Kings College haemodialysis patients.

Reduced waiting time ; being accompanied by a nurse to dialysis ; being able to express themselves through open-ended questions and patient forums ; improved standard of care.

3. Name some of the benefits for the nurses in the unit.

The ability to express fears and concerns and to receive a response ; the guarantee of staff development ; working in an environment of excellence, patient-centred care. recharged pride in the profession.

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