Irritable bowel syndrome - L'Infirmière Magazine n° 396 du 01/09/2018 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière Magazine n° 396 du 01/09/2018




Professeur d’anglais aux Ifsi de NANCY Auteur de « Maîtriser l’anglais
médical » et « l’anglais médical
pratique », Éd. Lamarre

A doctor announces to a patient the diagnosis of her irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and what measures and treatments might be recommended.

Doctor : Good morning. Well, following the symptoms that you described during our previous meeting, namely abdominal pain and altered bowel habits, and according to lab results and in the absence of a specific and unique organic pathology, you seem to suffer from a functional gastrointestinal disorder.

Patient : Sorry, I don’t understand what it is exactly. Can you be more specific ?

Doctor : It’s what we call the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is characterized by alternation of constipation and urgent diarrhea, as well as frequent and diffuse abdominal pain which can be sometimes sharp and often superimposed by more constant, dull ache.

Patient : Oh, and furthermore, I sometimes seem to undergo episodes of dyspepsia, heart burn, nausea, vomiting… I constantly feel stressed.

Doctor : This, unfortunately, goes along the IBS symptoms, together with weight loss and rectal bleeding.

Patient : But can anything be done about that ?

Doctor : We first and foremost think of dietary measures that may include fiber supplementation to improve the symptoms of constipation and diarrhea and flatulence; judicious water intake if you predominantly experience constipation; caffeine avoidance to limit anxiety and symptom exacerbation; legume avoidance to decrease abdominal bloating; lactose and fructose limitation to avoid diarrhea; and the intake of probiotics to favor the intestinal flora.

Patient : And therefore this should relieve the symptoms all together !

Doctor : Yes, but you should also avoid spicy and fried food. And in all cases food should be well chewed to decrease stress on the intestines.

Patient : Apart from diet therapy, can anything be done to heal this illness ?

Doctor : Unfortunately, the IBS cannot be healed, but symptoms can be relieved. In this sense, we might also think of cognitive-behavioral therapy, but also drugs for the management of symptoms, which may include anticholinergics, antidiarrheals, tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin receptor antagonists and antispasmodics. However, we may also recommend some iron supplement to compensate for the associated anemia.

Patient : What’s the cognitive-behavioral therapy ?

Doctor : It’s a psychological therapy that aims at improving daily life quality. Evidence also supports the improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms in either relaxation or hypnotherapy, or even the use of antidepressants, in small doses, to increase the level of serotonin in some cases. And in patients who were recently diagnosed with IBS, frequent visits with the clinician enhance the patient-provider relationship for the understanding and management of this condition. The visits can become less frequent as patients are educated and reassured.

Patient : Thank you for all these explanations. But I still feel a bit lost…

Doctor : Don’t worry. Bit by bit you’ll learn to manage your symptoms and get round them.


Irritable bowel syndrome : syndrome du côlon irritable

Altered bowel habits : transit altéré

Cognitive-behavioral therapy : thérapie cognitivocomportementale

Dull ache : douleur sourde

Dietary measures : mesures diététiques

Heart burn : brûlures d’estomac

Rectal bleedings : saignements rectaux

Sharp pain : douleur aiguë

Common phrases

It is characterized by alternation of constipation and diarrhea, as well as frequent and diffuse abdominal pain.

→ Il se traduit par des épisodes alternant constipation et diarrhée, ainsi que des douleurs abdominales fréquentes et diffuses.

Pain is sometimes sharp and often superimposed by more constant, dull ache.

→ Parfois aiguë, la douleur s’accompagne souvent d’une douleur sourde et constante.

Weight loss, rectal bleeding and iron deficiency go along the IBS symptoms.

→ Perte de poids, saignements rectaux et déficience en fer sont des symptômes du syndrome du côlon irritable.

You should avoid caffeine and legume to decrease abdominal bloating as well as lactose and fructose to limit diarrhea.

→ Évitez la caféine et les légumineuses pour réduire les ballonnements abdominaux, ainsi que le lactose et le fructose pour limiter la diarrhée.

Probiotics favor the intestinal flora.

→ Les probiotiques entretiennent la flore intestinale.